Defining Programs in Web
document will provide step by step instructions on how to define and manage
activities under the registration type “Programs”. In Sportsman, we refer to creating your
activities available for registration as “Defining” them. It is very important that you understand the
various Registration Methods before setting up any activities and are aware of
the other registration types available.
The Programs method is a great option for setting up classes or daily
events such as fitness classes, after school events, art class, day camps, etc.
Under Programs you have the option to limit the number of patrons per class and
schedule out multiple days a week. You can create as many activities for
registration and organize them in your hierarchy under categories and
subcategories. You can also assign fees
and discounts, decide whether to allow registrations through your ActivityReg
patron registration website, establish required registration questions, and
many more options.
Prerequisite: Before Defining a program, it is recommended
that you be familiar with:
Setting up your
Activity Tree Hierarchy
Registration Types
This document will cover:
ü Creating a Program
§ Registration Tab
§ Default Fees Tab
§ Notes Tab
§ Internet Tab
§ Questions Tab
§ Discounts Tab
ü Creating Class Parameters
a Program
To begin, navigate in Sportsman Web to Define > Activities
For Registration. Then you will need to add the Main Category by clicking on
the [+Add Menu Category] button. Next enter the
description and select the Main Category from the Create
As menu then click [OK].
Then, create a new Sub Category as shown below
and click [ok].
Next, select the Sub Category that you just created. When it
is highlighted click the [Add New Activity] button to the right.
This selection will bring you to the Activity
Setup screen where you will add the Activity Name and then select “Programs”
from the Registration Method dropdown list.
IMPORTANT: Once you select a Registration Method and establish your
activities within it, you cannot change the Method later on, you will need to
start over as each method has its unique set of settings and configurations.
Select [OK] to move to the next Add/Edit
Program Definition screen.
This screen will allow you to customize
everything you need for your new Program.
At the left of the screen you will enter the Start and End
dates of the program then add the Category (this is a category for the
type of program and is not associated with the hierarchy Menu Category). In our
example, our program starts 01/01/2022 and ends 03/31/2022. The category is
There are 6 tabs in the “Add/ Edit Program Definition”
that you will need to fill out to create your program. Below are descriptions
of the configuration and settings for each tab.
Registration Tab
There are two major sections on this tab the Settings
and Registration Restrictions.
Wait List
Available Option: In this
section you will need to determine if you want a wait list available and if so,
how many people you want to allow on the wait list.
by Class Settings: If this
option is selected, the program will follow the parameters you set in each
class attached to the program.
Absolute Max Regardless of Class Settings: If this option is selected you will set an
absolute max for the activity as a whole regardless of class size.
Allowed/Allow Registrations Directly to a Team/Max # Teams: Depending on your Registration Method there
will be settings related to the maximum number of registrations allowed, the
number of teams or similar settings.
Restrict Registration
Only: If you have
the Sportsman Membership Module you can restrict registration to Members only,
and can further restrict to only memberships with a specific Admittance
Only: This feature
will only allow patrons that are in the specified residential area to be
allowed to sign up for this activity.
Multiple Registrations: Selecting
this feature will allow a participant to register multiple times for the same
activity or event. This can be useful when selling tickets to an event.
Restrict By
Age (As of Start Date): This option
will allow you to specify an age range for participants who are allowed to
register. You can restrict by birthday or just age.
Use Walkup
Signup Dates: If this
option is not selected, the patron may register for the activity at any time
before or during the activity. Selecting this option allows you to specify a
date range for signup to be available.
Exclude from
Current Activities Check-In Screen: If you have Sportsman Membership this may be
an option. The Current Activities Check-In feature is a mechanism to check in
Patrons coming into the facility for a Class, a Time Slot Activity, a League
Scheduled Game or a Facility Reservation.
Walkup Fees Tab
There are two major sections on this tab Walkup Fee Strategy,
GL Account/Taxes.
Walkup Fees Strategy
This feature allows you to pick from
a list of different fee options.
Member & Resident Logic
Below is an explanation of each fee option and their functionality.
• Single Fee- This will allow you to charge a one-time fee to your patron.
Member/ Nonmember- This option will let you set the
specific price points by using Members vs Nonmembers.
Resident/ Nonresident- This option will
let you set the specific price points by using Resident vs. Nonresident
Both Member & Resident Logic- This option will let you use both the member and resident option combined
to specify your price point.
GL Account & Taxable
GL Account & Taxable
GL Account: This
section allows you to select the GL account type for the activity from a
drop-down list.
• Don’t Record Transactions: If this
option is selected no financial transaction is required to complete
registration for this activity. The patron may be registered, but no feel will
be charged, and you will not be directed to the cash register to complete the
registration process.
• Taxable: This
section allows you to determine If the activity will be taxable or not, and to
select a tax rate for the activity.
• Accept Partial Payments: This permits
a partial payment to be accepted at registration with the balance added to the
patron’s account for payment.
Courtesy Credit Payments: This permits the use of Courtesy Credits to
pay for this activity. Courtesy Credits
are credits on account that have not been paid for.
Waiver: This allows you to configure a custom waiver
for this activity
Notes Tab
In this
section you have three areas for you to customize a message for your Patrons,
Internal Users and Instructors
ü Registration Notes- If you want
to leave a message alerting to your staff this is where you will but that
ü Receipt Notes- - If you have
special instruction for your patrons regarding the activity you can write them
in this field and it will print on their receipt.
Coaches List
Notes-- If you have any special notes to give to your
coaches you can write them in this section and it will print on the Class list
and Coach Login.
Internet Tab
The internet tab will say (no) until you check
the “Show on Internet, Allow Internet Registrations” boxes. Once this box is
enabled the options below will be editable.
***Note*** Please
note that if you want your patrons to sign up on-line, you must use this tab to
allow them to see the activity and to allow them to register.
Show on
Internet: Determines whether this activity will show
Internet Registration: Determines whether or not patrons can register
for this activity online
Customers to Delete Registration: Determines whether or not patrons
have the ability to cancel their registration for this activity or not.
o Delete Cutoff (Hours): Allows you
to restrict cancellations within a determined time period of the activity beginning.
o Charge a Cancellation Fee: You may
select a pre-set fee, or choose a cancellation fee amount to be charged to the
patron upon cancellation.
Internet Registrations: Here you can limit the number of registrations
allowed, or choose to not allow internet registrations until a specified date.
Add Internet
Convenience Fee: Here you will choose whether to, and how much
to charge for an internet convenience fee.
Registration Opens: Choose between using the same dates as your
in-house registrations, or choose a date range specific to online
Internet Fee
Strategy: Here you may choose to select a fee strategy
that mirrors your fee for in-house registrations, or choose a different fee
structure for online registrations.
Partial Payments: Choose whether or not to accept partial
payments for online registrations, and set a minimum payment amount.
Description: In this
section you can create a customized description that will display to your
patrons when they go to register online.’
News &
Updates: This is a section for internal notes
regarding the activity. This section will not show online for patrons to see.
Questions Tab
In this section you can add the registration
questions you want your patrons to answer in order for them to register
***Note*** If you did not create
your Questions in the table prior to creating your activity you can create them
in the program itself but they will only be visible in that specific program.
Select the questions that are associated
with the activity from the list of existing questions (which are pulled from
the Questions Table) then click the [OK] button and the question will
populate as shown below.
***Note*** Each question can only be
added one by one you cannot select multiple questions at a time to add. If you
cannot find a specific question you can add a new question by following the
steps outlined below.
If you want
to add a new question specific to the program and you don’t want it to show as
an option for any other program you can follow the steps below.
• Click [+ Add] located at
the bottom right of the Add Registration Questions box. This will
populate the Add Question box. There are two major areas that will need
to be filled out in order to add the question. Questions Definition
and Displayed To User.
Question Definition: In this section you need to type your question in the
description field. (E.g. What size Jersey do you
need?) Then you will need to fill in the Report Header, this is what is
populated when you pull a report. (E.g. Shirt size). You can also determine
whether to make the question to be required by checking the box at the bottom
of this section.
Displayed to user: In this section
the question to ask will auto populate with the description question you added
in the question definition section. You can add an explanation of the question
if needed.
Type of Answer: This is the
list of answer types available for the question. Once you have determined the type of answer click the [OK]
button to save your new question. The five answer types are:
ü List of Choice – you can create a custom list
from which patrons can select one answer.
ü Number – patrons can answer with a number
ü Date – patrons can answer with a date
ü Free Form – patrons can respond with free form
ü Yes/No – patrons can only respond “yes” or
In this
section you can set up a specific discount for your sporting event. (E.g.,
Military, Employee) Follow the steps below.
To add a discount, click the [Add]
button, located at the bottom left of the panel.
On the Add Activity Discount
screen select the Discount you want to apply from the drop-down list. This will show all discounts that exist in
your Discounts Table.
Select the type of discount
either a fixed amount or Percentage. Then enter the amount or percentage in the
specified box. You may also select the discount group and whom it will apply
too - either a qualifying individual or by purchase date.
If you do not
see the correct Discount in the list, you can click the [+] button next
to the down arrow to add a new Discount.
Fill in the
description, abbreviation, GL Account, and select the Discount type.
Type: Normal
Editable, Fixed Percentage, or Fixed Amount from the Apply As drop down,
then fill in the amount/percentage then click [OK].
Discount Type:
Multi-Purchase Discount
Select Fixed
Percentage or Fixed Amount from the Apply As dropdown, then click [+Add]
and enter in the percentage or amount off associated with the quantity of
If you want
to add more item #’s click on the [Add] button again. (E.g., 3+)
Select any Qualifications
you wish to apply to the discounts, and click the [OK] button when
This will
take you back to the Add Activity Discount screen and auto populate the
discount name you created.
Creating Class Parameters
When you are done filling out the
default information for the activity, you are ready to add the individual
classes and times. Click the [Add/ Edit Classes] button located near the bottom left of the screen.
On the classes screen click the [Add] button.
On this screen you will choose the
name of the class, the level associated with the class, and fill out the max
class size and times of the class. You may also assign an instructor or coach
for the class. If you need to change any settings specifically for this class
such as signup dates, age restrictions, fees etc.… select the check box for Use Class Specific Settings. These settings will only affect
this specific class. You would use this feature to set a specific age range,
for example. When you are finished click [ok], and enter in
the rest of the classes.
Once you have finished adding all
the classes, it will appear on the main activities screen like this.