Table: Class and Swimming Levels


In this document will walk you through how to add, edit and delete your different swimming levels within the tables. Once set up you can easily use these when setting up specific swim programs and classes.


Prerequisites:  You will require Sportsman user privileges for “Definitions”.


This document will cover:

ü Setting up Swim Classes and Levels in Tables



Setting up Swim Classes and Levels in Tables


To begin go to File > Maintain Tables > Activities > Class and Swimming Levels

Click the [Add] button.



You are now presented with the “Add/Edit Class and Swimming Level” screen.  In the “Description” field, you will need to enter the Class/Swimming Level description. When finished click [OK] to save.



TIP:  If you have a swimming level that you no longer would like to use. You can check the “Inactive” box and it will no longer become an option and can be turned back on anytime!

Notice that you can [Edit] and [Delete] existing levels from this screen.