SportsMan SQL Technical Installation Specs


SportsMan SQL Server System Requirements


Minimum hardware requirements for the server

-          1GB RAM

-          1 .0 GHz Processor

-          2GB Available Hard Disk

Minimum hardware requirements for the client

-          512MB RAM

-          600MHz Processor

-          250MB Available Hard Disk

Operating System for both server and client (both 32-bit and 64-bit are supported)

-          Windows 7

-          Windows 8

-          Windows 10

-          Windows Server 2008

-          Windows Server 2008 R2

-          Windows Server 2012

-          Windows Server 2012 R2

-          Windows Server 2016


IP Addresses and Ports Used in SportsMan


-          SportsMan SQL Client uses the SQL Native Client and connects through the default port (port 1433) to communicate with SQL Server.


-          Application updates are downloaded from and backups (for technical support) are sent to which resolves to


-          SportsMan Internet Portal (portal.exe) connects to which resolves to through ports 5005-5006.


-          Updates to the website ( on are done by sending files via ftp to which resolves to


-          If in PCI Mode SportsMan processes credit cards through which resolves to


-          If you use SportsMan OnGuard offsite backup those backups are send via ftp to which resolves to


-          If you use SportsMan Cloud/Hosted the Cloud server to which you connect is at which resolves to through port 443.



Default File Paths and Installation Directories

SportsMan SQL uses Microsoft SQL Server as the back end database. If your organization does not have a SQL Server in place the SportsMan SQL Server Installer includes Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition that is preconfigured for use with SportsMan SQL. The default locations of files and data paths are as follows:

NOTE: All paths are assuming that you are using a 64-bit version of Windows. If you are using a 32-bit version of Windows you can simply replace “Program Files (x86)” with just “Program Files” in any path

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 installs to

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server

New SQL Server 2008 R2 databases are stored at

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA

SportsMan SQL Client is installed to

C:\Program Files (x86)\Peak Software Systems\SPORTSQL

SportsMan SQL photos and documents are stored on the server at

C:\Program Files (x86)\Peak Software Systems\SP_PICTURES

This directory is shared as


SportsMan SQL backups are stored on the server at

C:\Program Files (x86)\Peak Software Systems\SP_BACKUPS.

This directory is shared as



End of Document.