SportsMan SQL Server Migration

The first step in migrating a SportsMan SQL database to a new server is to have an instance of SQL Server available that has the authentication set to mixed mode. If you do not have a SQL Server in place, here is an installer that will install SportsMan SQL with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 – Express Edition preconfigured for use with SportsMan.

If you can have the “new” SQL server online at the same time as the “old” these steps will take you through the entire process.

If you cannot have both servers (“old” and “new”) online at the same time replace the step of creating a test database with the following instructions to restore a backup previously created in SportsMan SQL.

If you do not have a backup created by SportsMan SQL or the ability to create one the below instructions can be used to attach a SportsMan SQL database to an existing Microsoft SQL Server with mixed mode enabled for authentication.