Reserving  Facilities for Patrons



Facilities such as rooms, fields, pavilions and even pool lanes can be reserved for patrons by Sportsman staff or on ActivityReg website if permitted.  The facility or park must already be defined (set-up) in your facility hierarchy.   This document describes the process a Sportsman user would take to help a patron make a single reservation in person or over the phone.   Facilities can be defined in several ways including pre-defined time slots where one reservation is allowed for each slot or free form in which a facility is available say for the entire day but can be reserved for any block that meets the patron need and parameters established (such as minimum reservation time and buffers).   Your choice in making reservations is dependent on how the facility is defined.


Prerequisites: Make sure you have the Sportsman user permissions to create reservations.


Other Resources:

Defining Facilities and Parks for Reservations

Using QR Codes for Activity or Facility Reservations


This document will go over:

ü Reserving Facilities

o  Accessing Reservation Screens

o  Reserving a Facility with Pre-Defined Timeslots

o  Reserving a Facility with Free-Form Reservations


Accessing Reservation Screens


To begin, click on the [Facility Reservation] button on the main screen of Sportsman as shown below.



Alternatively, you can bring up a patron’s account, navigate to the Resv tab in their account and click [Add].



The ‘Park/Facility Reservation’ screen will appear.  There are several tabs that can be used to make an individual reservation, however it is usually most convenient to start on the ‘Reserve Park’ tab.



Next, choose the facility to reserve from the facility hierarchy view on the left panel. Notice above the hierarchy you can [Expand] or [Collapse] it to make searching easier.  Below the hierarchy you can also view as a List.   In the below example if the Multi-Purpose room is selected then Room 1 and Room 2 will both be reserved because it is the top level facility.  If you only want Room 1, then only click on that resource. 


Reserving a Facility with Pre-Defined Timeslots


In this example pre-defined timeslots are already created and show in the reservation blocks that appear on the right side of the panel.  Slots will either show <Slot Available> or show as <Unavailable>, or show a specific Activity or Patron it is reserved for.  It may also show <Expired> if there is an advanced window to reserving that facility that has already passed (such as 8 or 24 hours prior). In that case those can generally be overridden by selecting the slot and continuing with the reservation.

Select from the <Slot Available> times and click [Reserve]



This will pull up the Patron Look Up screen so that you can search an existing patron by entering their name or enter in a new customer. Then click [OK] to associate that reservation with the selected patron.   



On the next screen notice that you can adjust the time of the reservation using the slider bars or choosing the number of time blocks (as available). The fee charged can be manually adjusted or a pricing group can be selected if appropriate. Answer any questions that are defined for the facility and add any notes needed to the reservation.    Once complete, click [OK] and move to the cash register to complete the transaction.



Reserving a Facility with Free-Form Reservations


For a facility defined as a Free-Form reservation availability the facility is available for open reservations within the hours or day defined.  In this example the Conference side B of the Large Conference Room is open for reservation from 6:00am to 10:00pm on the date selected.   There may be buffer times (times between reservations) and minimum reservation times that are established in the facility definition. 

Select the <Open Availability> line and click [Reserve].



Search for the patron to reserve for if not already chosen.


On the Reserve Facility/Park screen you can use the sliders to select the time for the reservation. You can also add notes, enter an estimated number of people, answer any reservation questions etc.  Click [OK] when complete to move to the cash register to complete the transaction.


